Hey folks,
Windows 10,8,7, Vista , Microsoft Office Suite , Adobe Suite etc, are so familiar with us, so that we have even forgot about the other options available in the field. These software are not available for free( for those who don't know Torrents) and they come under certain license and agreements. Recently I came across much better free software available without having to pay something in dollars or have it expire and ask for activation code. That is what we call Free and Open Source Software(FOSS).
You can easily use the below alternatives for the current paid proprietary software you use.
Internet browsers-
Mozilla Firefox instead of Google Chrome or Internet explorer
Media Player-
VLC media Player instead of Windows Media Player
3D modelling-
Blender 3D instead of Autodesk Maya
Oracle VM VirtualBox manager instead of parallels
Torrent downloader-
BitTorrent instead of Boxopus
Office suite-
Libre office Suite instead of Microsoft Office Suite
Operating system-
Ubuntu instead of Windows 10
This is what I've found so far, if you've heard of any other Free and open Software share it below guys.
