Hello there,
As much as we say women are not treated right and they are being suppressed by men, do you think that women have a part in the state of this society?
I've seen women telling their boys not to cry like a girl. They aren't old women, surprisingly they are 21st generation ladies and they chide their boys when they cry. In childhood, mostly male children connect with their mothers a lot and in my POV, the change should start from women themselves.
Every time a mother says "
don't be scared like a girl!", "
don't' cry like a girl!","
Boys shouldn't cry", those kids grow up thinking that crying and admitting fear are girly habits which show weakness. This leads up to chauvinistic mid set in their early days and they grow up to be the abusers, sociopaths, and sadists who take pleasure in hurting women. Women have a strong impact on their kids and when it's a boy child, the mother is always partial to him than the girl simply because of the gender.
Boys will be boys". This line is almost 100% heard in all families. I think it's unfair we're blaming the male society alone of its chauvinism. Women should take a part of the blame too.
Am I wrong in partly blaming women in the state of our society? Or Am I being anti-feministic?
