This is my personal experience, recently my mind developed this new habit of repeating negative thoughts all day on a loop. That's why I asking this question instead of these negative thoughts can brainwash our mind to think positive?
This is my personal experience, recently my mind developed this new habit of repeating negative thoughts all day on a loop. That's why I asking this question instead of these negative thoughts can brainwash our mind to think positive?
It's very casual! No matter you are negative or positive minded person, This attitude always comes from the people whom you mingle, spend time, neigbours, their behavior and the culture! My suggestion is, Avoid expectations, always think, act, react positive way for each and every situations! Avoid people who talk, spread negative, rumors , unproductive in order to reinstall your mindset to be positive.
Small Daily Improvements Always Lead To Exceptional Results Over Time. - Robin Sharma
If we surround ourselves with negative minded people without our knowledge we also started to think in a negative way,So the best way to make yourself think positive is to surround yourself with positive minded people. Yesterday I watched this video of Jay Shetty check out the video, It will be really helpful to you.
You're not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Don't stress. Master the day. Make this a daily reminder.