Hi Friends,

Yesterday I read an article about smiling depression, so, thought to share it with you guys. Usually, we link depression with sadness, sorrows, despair and lethargy. Also, these symptoms vary from person to person. "Smiling Depression" refers to the people who live with depression on the inside while they appear happy and content in the public. The people with smiling depression have good social life also spend happy hours with their friends and family but they struggle with depression when they are alone. The dangerous thing is these people have a high level of suicidal tendency. Often they end their own lives and leave their loved ones in the miserable stage. Because it's hard to find these people having depression. But there are some signs which help you to identify the people with smiling depression.

These are the signs of people with smiling depression:

  • They have changes in their appetite, weight and their sleeping patterns
  • They feel more fatigue
  • They lack in self-esteem
  • They feel hopeless and worthless
  • In outside they look active and high-functioning
  • They have a healthy social life
  • Look overly cheerful and happy

Guys, what do think about this smiling depression? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!