After the evolution of technology into the music industry the quality of the music can be divided into before and after the technical development.
Even though the standard of the music has increased many people argue that the quality of the singers has been drastically reduced .

It's because earlier, a singer used to record a song in one take and if anything goes wrong they had to re-record the whole song from the beginning.Hence more talented singers were introduced and sustained for a long period of time.
But today singers just sing 2 or 3 stanzas of a song and the technology does everything else, starting from correcting the notes and tuning them.It's like, if you have a sweet voice with a nice texture, then you are a singer! That's why many singers vanish after singing 3 or 4 albums.

This is the reason for not having any legendary singers but more singers in the latest music industry.

Do you think it's the fault of technology? Share your thoughts on this issue.